Aurora Early Learning Centre |
New Enrolment
Forms to fill out
We're so happy you're joining us at Aurora Blacktown.
There's quite a few forms to fill out, so please save this site so you're able to access and complete them in your own time. It's often good to print or access the checklist first so you're able to keep track, but we'll let you know if something's missing before your first day.
Access your document, requirements & backpack checklist here. Use this to help make sure you have everything you need before your first day, and what your child will need for their days with us.
If you ever have any issues uploading files, would like a paper version or have any other questions, please email us at [email protected].
There's quite a few forms to fill out, so please save this site so you're able to access and complete them in your own time. It's often good to print or access the checklist first so you're able to keep track, but we'll let you know if something's missing before your first day.
Access your document, requirements & backpack checklist here. Use this to help make sure you have everything you need before your first day, and what your child will need for their days with us.
If you ever have any issues uploading files, would like a paper version or have any other questions, please email us at [email protected].
1- Enrolment FormFill out this form to ensure we have all the details we need.
2- Direct Debit formFill out this form and send it through to [email protected] so we can process your fees.
3- Family Context FormWe use this to jump-start the getting-to-know-you process, and will help make sure you feel as at home as possible, as quickly as possible
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